Oppressed by the Line started as a 4-track diversion for guitarist Jon Thompson. In the winter of 2001 Jon was introduced to computer based music and production methods, at least the rubber band and duct tape version, playing with the band Of Normandy.
Now familiar with the concepts of electronic music production, Jon’s interest in his solo project was refreshed, and thus began his transition from 4-track to laptop. After a trip to London, Jon re-christened his project Oppressed by the Line. The name is taken from a quote on a placard under a painting by Yves Kleine at the Tate Modern in London. The quote reads, “I adopt the cause of the colour oppressed by the line”. The painting depicts a blue void… Something that Jon felt not only represented his general disposition, but was also a visual representation of his music. Since making the monumental move from Houston to London in 2004, Jon has brought OBTL to the stage supporting such acts as Hood, The Telescopes, Client, Sing-Sing, Logh and Epic45.
That’s all fine and good, but what does OBTL sound like…?
If you made a circuit board out of all your favourite shoegazer records, then made a man out of those circuit boards and gave him a glass of wine on a fire escape high above whatever city that was in Blade Runner twenty years after the fact… or a genetic hybrid of a synthesizer and a warm winter blanket.
Released by Club AC30
Excerpt from a Review from Angry Ape:
“Opening with Fragmented and A Brief Moment Of Clarity, both songs share the same mathematical approach as Far Away Trains Passing By, from acclaimed producer Ulrich Schnauss. Vocals are dipped in ethereal effects and reverb echoes, while deep synth basslines shake the speakers.
The instrumentals are where Oppressed By The Line truly shines. Tracks like Even are multi-layered with rich, melodic synths and lush atmospheric sounds. Church organs begin with click beats and gentle hip hop loops, before the crescendo of shoegazing feedback and dreamy layers of guitar distortion kicks in.
Too electronica based to be embraced by indie kids, The Cause Of The Colour will instead, appeal to fans of Ulrich Schnauss, Manual and Guitar.”