Paperblog reviews The Longed-for Season

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Mazette ! Ça fait combien de temps que j’ai plus accroché sur un album d’inspiration post-rock ? A part les indétrônables Canadiens de Do Make Say Think, j’avoue ne plus trop m’intéresser au style. Puis hop, je suis tombé sur cet EP de When The Clouds. Charmant, charmant. Un post-rock simple et bien foutu accompagné d’une électronique espiègle proche de Mùm. Sympathique a priori non ?

Respect avant tout à Francesco Galano, l’unité motrice de ce projet. Car When The Clouds n’est pas un groupe comme on pourrait le penser à son écoute, mais bien un projet solo. Guitare, glockenspiel, basse, harmonica, électro, cordes, mellotron, le gars passe allégrement d’un instrument à l’autre avec aisance.

Ce qui fait le charme de ce six titres c’est son mélange réussi entre post-rock et electronica. Bien que notre ami transalpin n’innove pas vraiment dans le genre, on peut toutefois le féliciter pour la maîtrise dont il fait preuve. “The Longed for Season” (Drifting Falling – 2010) est la première réalisation de Francesco et j’espère qu’il arrivera à faire son trou tout comme ses compatriotes de Port Royal.

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Textura reviews When the Clouds

Francesco Galano makes an auspicious debut with his half-hour When The Clouds EP The Longed-For Season. The Salerno, Italy-based producer has been involved in music-making since the age of thirteen and issued his first demo in 2004 under the name Eid Ethyca. The six preternaturally assured settings that constitute his Drifting Falling coming-out exude no shortage of finesse and pastoral charm, with Galano uniting acoustic instruments (glockenspiel, guitar, bass, piano) and electronic sounds into melancholic and graceful wholes. Though textural enhancements are present, they’re used judiciously so as to serve the melodic framework of the track in question. The focus, in short, is on melody first and foremost, and specifically quietly euphoric melodies at that. Averaging about five minutes in length, every one of the six instrumentals is song-length too.

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Leonard’s Lair reviews The Longed-For Season

If anyone thought shoegazing and post-rock was becoming a less important art form, no one told Drifting Falling who have been putting out superior releases for the last couple of years. An addition to that list is Francesco Galano and his new recording under the name of When The Clouds.

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The Longed-For Season is a P*Dis weekly pickup

The Longed-For Season was highlighted as a weekly pickup at P*Dis. An honor from such a standout organization.

p*dis inpartmaint - weekly pickup - when the clouds