Gareth Dickson’s Collected Recordings review by CITB

“I actually feel like the world has slowed down whilst listening to “Collected Recordings.” The pace takes you from the rigours of city modernity and slides you into the calmer waters of pensive naturalistic awakenings. It’s a slow journey that is fraught with melancholy but it’s the sort of stupor that you can actually feel the music help you release from. Like a dose of aural medicine that is bound to have a cathartic effect on the soul.”

Read the full review.

The Silent Ballet reviews “The House of St Colme Burnt Down”

Posted by on Feb 10, 2009 in my kappa roots, review | No Comments
The Silent Ballet had some nice things to say about The House of St Colme Burnt Down by My Kappa Roots.
Upon listening to The House of St. Colme Burnt Down, the album name inspired by a childhood play spot, one feels haunted, calm, heart-wrenched, warm, and lonely, often simultaneously. The listener often wonders if My Kappa Roots is suffering, his skilled finger picking bringing him a brief respite from the pain. The guitar is just as beautiful as Clark’s voice, but it is important to note that the lyrics are often indiscernible without close listening. Clark sings as if he doesn’t know if he deserves to be heard or not. He definitely does, but the music is so expressive instrumentally that it feels as if the lyrics aren’t totally important. Hearing a phrase here and there is enough. My Kappa Roots has inherited the amazing gift of having his emotions and stories pour through a single acoustic guitar. Strings enhance parts of the album, providing a romantic, tender touch to his musical landscape.

melancholic, sad for moments but most of all comforting

Posted by on Jan 28, 2009 in oppressed by the line, review | No Comments
Chaotisch und Charmant had some very nice things to say about Oppressed by the Line’s latest output Soft Focus
touching tunes blending shoegaze, electronica, melancholic crystal guitars and amazing textures. among his influences are the magnetic fields, the cure, ride and vitesse…
‘soft focus’ is his second album and is full of delicate (yet powerfull) sounds.
in songs like the opening track ‘condensation’, ‘don’t bestow the lesser things’ and ‘solitude’ we also hear the (moving) vocals and feel that jon’s creativity can also be applied to his vocal skills and the ability to create another layer to his music. ‘i can’t remember the sound’ and ‘shattering glass houses’ are the most shoegazy tracks filled with layers of electronica merging with walls of (beautifully played) guitars.
at moments – specially in the beautiful ‘the stars are sleeping’ it feels like you’re inside a cave full of stalactites and stalagmites… actually most of the time, and the feeling is very comforting. melancholic, sad for moments but most of all comforting.

Soundtracks to Lost Road Movies top 10 album of 2008

Posted by on Jan 27, 2009 in kontakte, review | No Comments
Soundtracks to Lost Road Movies was named a top 10 album of 2008 by Crumbs in the Butter. Read on to see what these enlightened folk had to say.
“Soundtracks For Lost Road Movies” is a remarkably apt title… A cinematic trip where the landscape is awe inspiring and ecstatically ethereal. Kontakte’s music swells and simmers; (it’s) Music to wonder at, to close your eyes to and slip into a hallucinogenic naturalistic world. The album shows a depth of musicianship, production and song structure. As the musical journey comes to and end, you are left sitting back in awe. As you start to feel yourself come down, you find you must take the trip again and again.” – Crumbs In The Butter (Top 10 Albums 2008)

iTunes UK heaps praise onto Kontakte

Posted by on Jan 27, 2009 in kontakte, new releases, review | No Comments
Some very high praise for contact from the folks at iTunes. Hey…they really are geniuses.
“The opening track from epic instrumentalists Kontakte’s debut album is hypnotic, ethereal and beautiful music that a 30 second sample simply cannot do justice to ! Backed with a steady motorik pulse Kontakte expertly build the atmosphere of each track, often reaching a crescendo of massive, orchestral proportions – but with guitars ! This is ace, very cool, epic space-rock… sounds like continents colliding.” – iTunes UK